SJN Youth Ministry - Information Board
There are different events and programs going on every month, from social to service to spiritual events for those ages 18 to 35. For any questions, contact the office at 734.455.5910.
High School Ministry Mission

"We the Youth of the Community openly welcome young people to live as disciples at Church, home, and school, to grow in fellowship and to grow in faith through serving God and others."

It’s about more than just a group! High School Ministry is about growing in our relationship with God, serving the parish and community with our time and talents, getting to know other Catholics, and having fun.

High School is a fun and exciting time, but it can also be a difficult one.  SJN High School Youth Ministry program seeks to provide resources and programming that meets teens where they are at and allows them to grow in faith, in service and in community with one another.  We do this in a variety of ways including weekly gathered meetings (every Wednesday from 7:00-9:00 P.M.), focussing on a variety of topics that are of interest to today's young people.  We also have at least two social events during the month and one service event. 

The Catholic Church is bigger then the walls of Saint John Neumann though, so throughout the year we try to include activities that connect us to different Youth Ministry Programs, and different teens in our area, in our nation and in the World!  In past years we travelled to Kentucky, Ohio and even to Australia for World Youth Day.  We stay busy!!!  Each teen 9-12th grade is welcome to join us in our Ministry!

For more information about High School Ministry, contact the Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Mary Wilkerson at (734) 455-5910 Ext. 20.